Wheat harvest has come and gone! It seems like we were just getting ready for it and now it is already over. It was shorter this year for us for a few reasons. One, we didn't have as many acres of wheat planted this year. We are trying to get more of our land in the rotation with milo and not plant wheat on it every year. That way certain weeds and diseases that inhabit wheat can be controlled. Two, the wheat was not very thick so we could cut a lot faster this year. And three, we had no major break-downs. Yea!
We were very thankful for the wheat we did have. Since January, we have only gotten about an inch or so of rain. It is amazing that we had crops do as well as they did with no additional rain. Someone made a comment to me that we weren't going to have any wheat if it didn't rain soon. I told them God could make it rain anytime He wanted to. Come to find out, God can make the wheat grow without rain!
It was really rewarding for me to be able to cut the wheat that I drilled last fall. I drilled some of the white wheat we had this year, then cut it. Soon I will clean it and grind it to make bread. I feel like the Little Red Hen!
Now we are cleaning up the John Deere that we lease so it can be picked up and taken to the next farmer who is going to use it. They don't want water used on it so we have to blow all the dirt, straw, and chaff off with an air compressor. It is a super dirty job! We try to get it as clean or cleaner than it was when we got it. Next, we will take the duels off. That always makes me a little nervous since if one fell it could crush a person. Taking them off is a lot easier than putting them on!
We can take more time cleaning up Bertha Belle. The girls can put on their bathing suits and play in the water while they are washing the combine. The grain cart and both semis will have to be cleaned out too.
We have gotten a little more done on the house since harvest. We got the siding put up on the walls that we had added. and replaced the other set of windows in the old living room. It did have a set of double windows and we replaced it with a big slider. The living room is so much lighter now! The only old window left is the set of two over the kitchen sink. Maybe we will get it put in soon.