Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Friend from South Africa

The driver from Machinery Link got here this afternoon to pick up the John Deere combine. Leon visited with him while he was loading the machine and found out he is from South Africa. He comes over here on a work visa for a couple years at a time. He was a police officer over there and retired. Then he went to night school and became a certified electrician. With the way their country has become, he can make 3 times more driving a truck in the United States than he can as an electrician in South Africa. He talked about the health care over there which is the same as what was passed over here. He said if he was in a car accident over there he would fight the paramedics with every ounce he had if they tried to take him to a hospital in South Africa. They are nothing but slaughter houses and if you end up in one, you don't make it out.

He had the combine loaded up and ready to go when we had supper ready. Leon grilled pork chops and corn on the cob and Lorena made mashed potatoes and gravy. Lorena went out and invited him in for supper. He gladly accepted and we all had a great time visiting over the meal. He told us a bit about the history of South Africa and what has gone on over there. It was really interesting hearing it from someone who has lived through it. We have it so good here in the USA and take it all for granted. For those who don't think this is a great country, you can pack your bags at any time and leave. Yes, we have some problems right now and there are a lot of things that need fixing but we are free. We need to remember that freedom is something we need to protect and it is being eroded away bit by bit. I really don't want the government telling me what kind of light bulbs to use, what kind of car to drive, what food to eat, etc. In fact, if people want to ride a motorcycle without a helmet, or drive around without a seat belt, then why shouldn't they be able to? Yes, I think it a lot safer with a helmet or a seat belt and I wear my seat belt always. But why should the government tell us what to do? If I choose not to and get hurt then I am responsible for my actions. Just something to think about.

I am really glad our new friend accepted the invitation to eat with us. I pray that he has a safe trip hauling those green beasts to different places for harvest. I hope we see him again someday, maybe next year before wheat harvest!

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